The Rambling thoughts of Crazy Dave

Summer Is Here, Finally! Are You Ready?

If you haven’t been paying attention,SUMMER IS HERE! Summer begins June 21, 12:24 AM EDT so the first full day of summer this year is June 21

Crazy Dave’s Crew – Getting Our Chickens In A Row

Crazy Dave’s Crew – Getting Our Chickens in a Row may not sound right. I know; It’s supposed to be “Ducks” but Chickens seemed more appropriate. Let me explain. I guess you might have noticed the Crew has not been very active lately on social media and might have even wondered what happened or even missed our witty humor and wise commentary.

Disney Comes Out of the Closet! Are You Shocked?

Disney has finally come out of the closet! Up until now they have hidden their beliefs and values away from the public. Now they have shocked all of us with the sudden revelation of their support of the LBGT community (less than 2% of the population, BTW).

Geocaching at Fort Campbell Memorial Park

I did a quick search on and found a small park with three geocaches less than a mile away. Fort Campbell Memorial Park honors 248 soldiers who were killed on December 12, 1985 at Gander, Newfoundland while returning home to Fort Campbell from a peace-keeping mission in the Sinai. This park was just what I needed and would provide nice a history lesson for the kids.

Three Quick FTF’s while Geocaching in the Dark

Geocaching in the dark with just the glow of your phone creates a very difficult situation. I would like to think we would have found it sooner in the daylight, but who knows.

Crazy Dave’s Letter To The President

Mr. President, I know I am not an eloquent writer and sometimes I have trouble getting my point across, but I hope my attempt to offer support as been clear enough. The reason you aren’t hearing much from your supporters is because we are the “silent” majority and we understand the way the system works. If we are unhappy with your administration, we will quietly let you know by casting our vote in 2020. Until then, we will all keep working to “Make America Great Again.”

2017’s First Family Geocaching Outing with Crazy Dave’s Crew

Well, it was a holiday for me and the weather was unbelievably nice, so what is a geocacher to do? Drag the entire Crew out for a geocaching outing at Enterprise South (some against their will). We decided to take it easy and just do the small loop sticking to the pavement except when we were close to a cache.

Christian Protests Are Just Like Other Protests

On Saturday morning, we woke just before the sunrise and made ready for our march to the designated protest site. After grabbing a cup of coffee and giving my sons the proper pep talk, we grabbed the signs for our Christian protests (to the Christian protester these are known as Bibles or God’s Word) and headed out the door.

One on One Time Geocaching with My Boys

Laura and Shelby had planned to meet up with some friends at English Rose Tea Room in downtown Chattanooga. I thought this would be a great opportunity have some one on one time geocaching with my boys, Dave and Nick.

They really didn’t know what they were in for when we asked them to leave their electronic devices at home. I did bring along my GPSr and my phone, but that was it.

There just happened to be a geocache and a parking lot right across the street from the English Rose. We dropped the ladies off and found a parking space. We paid for an hour of parking (like that would be long enough when I’m geocaching with my boys).

Doctor Who Clue Board Game Review

Doctor Who CLUE is a board game very similar the original Parker Brothers classic detective game, CLUE, but different. The object of the game is the same; determine who, where, and with what weapon before your opponents. But then you get into all kinds of “wibbly wobbly… time-y wimey… stuff” that is the hallmark of anything connected with Doctor Who.