The Rambling thoughts of Crazy Dave

Parenting : Making the Tough Decisions

Tough decisions are just part of being a good parent. Many times you are the only one that understands your reasoning for those decisions. Most of the time you get no praise for making those tough decisions, but, as a good parent, you still have to make them!

A Chicken with Its Head Cut Off

Have you ever wondered what was meant when someone said they were running around like a chicken with its head cut off? I think I have figured it out and now I am going to show you what it means.

What Do You Get Out Of Geocaching?

What do you get out of geocaching?

Do you really want to know what I get out of geocaching?

I know geocaching is not for everyone, but why do I always get strange looks from my muggle(a non-geocacher) friends and associates when they find out I am geocaching? I mean, you’d think I was doing drugs or joining a cult with the looks and questions I get sometimes. For some reason, folks sometimes become very concerned about my mental state.

When Geocaching Goes Wrong

Geocaching goes wrong sometimes, when you spend as much time caching as we do.

Last Sunday, I decided to get the family out to enjoy the gorgeous weather we are having. We headed over to Collegedale for a short walk on the Greenway to grab three geocaches. After we parked near the Imagination Station, a wonderful little park near the city hall, we got the video camera out and prepared for our hike to the first geocache (GC6EPH7 – Collegedale’s Veterans Park)

Maintain Your Geocache

When you hide a geocache, you have to agree to maintain your geocache before it will be approved.Going to hide a geocache? Maintain your geocache

God Is Not Safe

Contrary to popular belief, God is not safe. Yes, God is love and He wants all to be saved. But God hates sin! Wake up folks!

Butterfly Letterbox Hybrid Geocache

Letterboxing is a form of treasure hunting that uses clues.A few weeks ago, I convinced the Crew to help me find GC1DV9G – Butterfly Letterbox Hybrid

Transgender Target wants all to feel accepted

Target has been my favorite anti-Walmart store up until today, when I read Target’s stance on the transgender bathroom issue.We will be parting ways.

Get Permission To Hide Your Geocache!

Get permission to hide your new geocache I just read another article about the authorities being called to check out a suspicious object

Septic System Woes Flushed by TN Valley Excavations

When you have a septic system and you see the bubbl’n crude in your back yard, it ain’t oil, black gold, or Texas T and you’re not moving to Beverly Hills.